Friday, June 14, 2013

IM HOME! -- June 14

So I kept a huge surprise from my family and friends. No one thinks I'm able to travel but the doctor told me I can so I came to NY on Thursday! My number one fear in life is planes so I wasn't excited for the plane part. I literally go on planes ALL the time and EVERY SINGLE TIME….I either cry…go talk to the flight attendants…shake uncontrollably…or i just take some sleeping pills to knock me out. This time I had my mom so I would just hold her hand every time I was scared.

ANYWAY…once I got to NY.. My best friends Erin and Taylor and their mom Janet were supposed to meet my mom at the baggage claim thinking they were only picking her up… Taylor ended up not coming because of work but I still was able to surprise Erin! My mom came down first and I hid and came about 5 minutes after… Erin cried when she saw me so it made me cry too! 
Below is the video! (I come in at like 25 seconds)

I was able to surprise my siblings as well! My brothers were so happy to see me! I'm so happy I came home.. It's Teddy's (my youngest brother) prom and graduation this weekend so I'm so excited that I can be here to watch him go to prom and graduate high school. He will be attending Princeton in the fall! So proud….Below is a video surprising my siblings and a picture from Teddy's Prom! 


I'm so glad the doctor cleared me to travel to New York and be with my family and friends until Tuesday.. I really don't even want to think about going back to California and having a zillion doctors appointments but I'm just not going to think about that until I have to! More pictures to come!….

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